Simplification using single particle experiment explanations

Consider a single particle source.  The particle is equally likely to emit in any direction.  That situation is depicted below


What you imagine is that a localized particle emanates from the emitter and you detect it somewhere on your ring of detectors surrounding your experimental set up.  You can use your detectors ringing the emitter to verify that emissions are equally probable at any angle.   I imagine the situation differently.  What I imagine is below:


The concentric blue rings depict the phase waves of de broglie  propagating outwards from the emitter. They have no preference in direction.  They propagate in all directions.   When they encounter the ring of detectors one of the detectors detects the particle.   Now something has to prevent all the other detectors from firing and saying they also have detected the particle.  This would violate conservation of energy and what ever other conservation laws.  This is the "collapse" into the measured state above.

Note that this "communication" or universal book keeping function occurs in similar method as entanglement experiments show.  The instant the particle interacts with one detector all other detectors are prohibited from detecting the instant the particle is detected.  An instantaneous non communication book keeping function occurs just like described in polarized entangled photon experiments.   

This thought experiment reduces thinking about entanglement to how the universe uses book keeping functions across space to maintain conservation laws.   Let us apply this to the double slit experiment.   Most explanations of the double slit experiment leave you with the paradox of saying "It looks like 1 particle went through both slits".  Where as the two slit experiment possibly demonstrates the book keeping aspect.



Two entangle Photons

What about the case of 2 entangle photons?   They are created coherently and are assumed identical and indistinguishable.   Their phase waves travel out concentrically and totally overlapping as shown above in the second diagram.   The book keeping rules can not discern if it is received photon number 1 or photon number 2.   In fact it is even meaningless to talk about photon number 1 and 2.  They are identical in every way.  Thus the results of 1 hitting the detector are no different from 2 hitting the detector.  Thus what you measure for 1 is what you will measure for 2.   The book keeping detectors first detect one photon then the second.   Since the book keeping conservations laws govern the detection of the second photon they must see a redundant identical measurement with same instantaneous resolution.  The mechanism is the book keeping principles this resolution occurs instantaneously instead of propagating at the speed of light.  It is only after detection measurement that the "particle" is localized.  Conservation book keeping forces this localization.  


Why does quantum computing appear to be able to do something standard computing based on thermodynamic electronics can not ?


What is the reason for quantum computing being able to do more than classical thermodynamic computing? Quantum computing harnesses physical conservation laws that we have up till now not harnesses in regular calculations. These laws do not propagate at the speed of light but rather instantaneously as a conservation law "book keeping" function.

Categories: Quantum-Mechanics


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