Recently Michael Griffin  mentioned in a radio interview that “Maybe we do not need to be concerned about global warming”.

That was his stated opinion which he is entitled to. Fair enough right ?  Wrong according to the Man Made Global Warming berobed believers.  Heresy!  Silence!

Thus Michael Griffin is backpeddling saying he should have steered clear of commenting on this topic. So now we see that whilst its a “bad thing” if George Bush wants to put his duly elected stamp of governance on any policies regarding MMGW its a good thing if the religious zealots of MMGW put a harried stamp on Michael Griffin.

The techniques used by the MMGW religious crowd are the same sort of techniques used by the catholic church when they wanted to suppress the views of Galileo.  In fact these are the same sort of techniques employed by con men everywhere.

Put the hard press on the sucker. Make them move before they’ve fully thought things through.  That’s what they are hoping for.  They MUST do this. Why ?  Because MMGW is going to eventually be revealed by mother nature herself to be a sham.  The Luddites / communists / socialists / Green-Liar-Con-Men need to grab their bucks while the grabbing is good. That’s why the bum rush!

Don’t be fooled.  If you truly care about nature then you will restrain your emotions and use logic.   Logic tells you that WHO and the METHODS used by them give away their whole game.  Let’s do better.



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