Just in case anyone starts complaining I love Mexicans. If I could convince her on Sandra would marry me and have at the very least 3 children with me. However I managed to find the only Mexican girl who DOES NOT want to have children. She’s one of the most funny, intelligent and beautiful girls I’ve ever met. She’s a hard case and she simply won’t have me. I tried for a long time to no avail on the relationship front. Its yet another one of my failures. My life is littered with them. I’m an equal opportunity employer. The last time I spent any time with her I declined to fool around. This is because with a person you like so much as I like her its emotionally very difficult when said person is not as interested in a relationship as you are.. But I took my chances trying to make the sale and get her to take on a longer contractual sort of relationship. I received the following text message from her:
How ironic. Ten years before I received this message it would have been the most exciting message I could have ever received. Nothing better than wild monkey sex right? Until you discover that with the right person love is what you remember. She’s 34 now. There’s still time. She’s already changed alot since I met her at age 26. Maybe she’ll soften up some. I am atheist but there are a FEW things I have to admit to praying for.