All around this is delicious. 1- The lefty elites of HollyWood like to denigrate religion.  Then in keeping with their dramatic penchant for fictions they select a religion that was made up by a science fiction author.  Then they use attempts at censorship to suppress ideas not necessarily in agreement with theirs.

Strong ideas do not fear disagreement.  For this reason it puts scientology and MMGW ( man made global warming ) severely suspect as both seek to surpress anyone expressing views counter. 

Why is it that strong ideas do not fear disagreement.  Let me demonstrate with an extreme example.  Suppose you and I have an argument.  I state that the world is flat and you say its a sphere.  There are a few ways of viewing this:

1- In this modern age sooner or later the argument will be resolved and you will be proved correct.

2- If we are running our own respective companies, your company will have a higher probability of success because of its more efficient correlation with objective reality.

3- If we are running national governments it is he who is most aligned with human nature that will see the best results.  Human nature is the “fact” here. Human nature being formed by a billion years of evolution has been evolved to deal with nature.   Thus the government that runs on natural facts is the best one.  In the end this means smaller government is better because in all instances human nature yields highly biased decisions when people are in places of power.

Bad ideas are eventually exposed.  That is why the adherents of MMGW seek to ramrod through their  policies as soon as possible.  They want to levy their socialist / communist hegemony upon us before we all realize its a farce.



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