When I was young my father was 325lbs and no one to be trifled with.  When I was 16 and not small myself he suspected me of breathing the Columbian airs.  He literally picked me up by the hair with one arm.   I had alot of hair at the time as I was in the midst of my Jim Morrison look .    I was my father son and thus  had alot of testosterone that would result in marble sized zits on my back.  Occassionally for amusement he would take his oversized thumbs and pick one of this painful killer pimples on my back.   It would basically feel like a pair of industrial sized vice grips biting onto my back.  Yes this is what passed for humor in my family.  When I think back I laugh in nostalgic memory of a better time in the late 70’s when our culture was not so nearly uptight and not yet gaming each other like dumbass penquins that constantly steal each others nest rocks and somehow imagining that GNP is being created.

Categories: Funny


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