Take the details in the following to be questionable. Its the result of a cursory dissection of the mechanics behind the web interface of wordpress blogging software.  As I divine more details I’ll update this.
fat.js – Fade Any Thing
tw-sack.js – Sack of Ajax ( asynchronous javascript )- Detailed break down of functions and interface appears to a library of functions that allows the editor to work.
dbx.js – Docking Boxes – has a demo on the left side of the page. Used for the boxes that expand and contract to give you a control panel of sorts. Demo page has a drag and drop image matching game.
dbx-key.js – Docking Box init ??
tinymce – WSIWYG editor you write the text in
cat-js.php - Probably the function that adds in the new category on the right hand menu under the editing function – Need to figure out the js.php interface idiom. The JS can’t connect to the database so thus it must trigger a call to this function to do the category add to the DB tables. No references found inside the php listing of this file so ????
quicktags.js – HTML quicky tags  you see for bold, italic etc in the toolbar
Koders has several of these javascripts available for download and the webpages allow for more detailed study.
Adding custom javascript capability to your blog entries
Index of /wordpress/wp-includes/js
Once these javascripts get written the get use alot ! The writers alot of times have websites to explain more about usage and application.Â
Other bits dissected from cursory peek
1- The upload manager uses inline-uploading.php.html  You can see this by cutting and pasting into your browser address bar. http://www.WebPageBaseName.com/wp-admin/inline-uploading.php?action=view&post=POSTNUMBER&all=false
In my case:Â
POSTNUMBER=number of a valid post. In the case of this arty its 396
The upload manager is stuck into an IFrame in the HTML:
Click to see full sized
So inline-uploading.php handles all the uploading, browsing tasks accomplished in the inset window.
For those of you using the FCKEditor there is a function for sending content to the editor available under the JavaScript API
* Insert HTML at cursor position:Â Â oEditor.InsertHtml(HTML);