MMGW is really terrible. Its such a sin that man does this. Offending the gods of the green almighty! Only the true believers send me money to work against MMGW. Send your cash, check or jewelry today. Better yet come work on my MMGW re-education camp farm. I will put you to work growing organic tomatoes and learning how to hate George Bush and technology! Socialism, liberalism, Democrat party (USA ), communists ( but I repeat myself 4 times! ) will be the savior of our country. And most of all MMGW is not a religion…..its science! It must be science because everyone agrees. And if you don’t you WILL after growing tomatoes on my re-education farm. Deniers DENIERS!
The only problem with the tRavolta household is that it is not mine. Uh does Kelly Preston come with the residence?
Need I say more ? John could support his jet habit by selling hair samples from her hairbrush so us guys could clone our very own KP. Hah….that’ll be my Kelly Prestons name: KP-2.