Answer the following questionaire to yourself.  Try to be as ethically honest as you can as you do: 

1) Would you consider forcing a person to have sex with you acceptable? 

—For the sake of this argument I’ll assume you’re not too sociopathic and take it that would you would not.

2) Where do you draw the line with regards to forcing a person at gunpoint to do what you say?

—Most people would say at self-defense or protection of property and that only in more extreme cases or circumstances.

3) In the case of cheritable causes which is most ethically self consistant?

   a) go forth and try to get OTHERS to donate as much as possible before you give anything

   b) give as much as you possibly can until you are broke…..then ask others.

Question #1 is meant to be abrupt to shock you into a frame of mind where you realize that forcing others to do what you want is inappropriate.  However most normal people simply accept that forcing others to pay taxes for their pet causes is appropriate.  However it is not appropriate, moral or acceptable.

Even for right wingers like me gun play of any type is unacceptable.   If you have ever had a gun pointed in your direction you know how inappropriate.  Yet everyday normal people allow the federal government police powers to take property.

Last but not least isn’t it more logical that you give until you are tapped out then ask others to contribute?  If you’re a clear thinking person you know this is true.

We’re now in the midst of an information age.  We are developing the tools by which we can voluntarily accomplish more than if we allow a corrupt central planning authority to organize our lives.  Wouldn’t a consentual society be better? Certainly it would be more inspired.



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