“It is a cold fact: the Global Cooling presents humankind with the most important social, political, and adaptive challenge we have had to deal with for ten thousand years. Your stake in the decisions we make concerning it is of ultimate importance; the survival of ourselves, our children, our species,” wrote Lowell Ponte in 1976.  Linked Arty



I was born in 1961.  I was politically aware by the time Lyndon Banes Johnson said ” I will not seek and will not accept the nomination of my party”.  For those of you not tuned up that would be about 1967.  That places me as aware at at 6 years.   I remember people trying to whip up a frenzy about global cooling in the mid to late 70’s.   I laughed to myself about how abstruse this con game was.   It reminded me of the small advertisements in a magazine called “Boys Life” magazine.  ( It was a cub scout publication.  FYI: I could not bring myself to join We-Blows.  Doesn’t matter how many times you rinse and repeat you ain’t gonna get that flavor out of your mouth )  These advertisements had all sorts of crazy things listed.  My father used to call them SKIN-GAMES because as he said “Those folks are out to skin you”

So in the end Global cooling was a skin game and I’m sure we’ll see in the end that Global warming is also.  The question is how much are we going to get skinned?

…..and how much prozac will the true believer geeks need to take to survive till global warming is widely known to be a farce ?




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