I stopped in at the Guadalupe Farmers market on the way home from my run today. I talked with my friend Fred the proprietor.   He told me his friends that are also in business are reported marked slow down.  Perhaps more than just a recession but a depression.

He then went on to recount how his grandfather "owned" a town in New Mexico during the depression.  He had 13 kids whom he all sent out to work during the day.  They all made on the order of 100 US dollars per day.  That was huge money during the 30’s.   He never kept his money in the bank.  He would hide it in various areas whether it be buried or hidden in a heavy duty shed made of railroad ties.

Categories: Economics

1 Comment

WEDTECH: Yeah, WE REMEMBER WEDTECH… ~ Wilfong · · August 23, 2008 at 12:24 am

[…] Mexico News » News The economy is slowing alot2008-08-23 02:23:45100 US dollars per day. They all made on to work during the order of 100 US […]

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