The format is as follows:

  •$.QueryList?P_LINGUA=001&P_TIPO=001&P_COD_UNI=EB033469865BR   – highlight and right click….that works for now….

Where you would need to do is copy and replace the final set of package tracking numbers for your package. I had to escape the $ character with a backslash \ in the writing of this entry so be aware of that!

INCOMPLETE!  HTML is mangled after submitting post.  Yuk!  Wordpress has this problem always!


When the package gets to the USA I'll need to track on the USPS website. The link for that is below:


Additional links

  •  – a very extensive note taking website covering web development  – Mahalie  – Lead developer at walkscore…….now that is one bossy girl.  
Categories: Business


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