The quickening is upon us.  Formerly unDemocrats could hold out with anti democratic policies for long periods.  Now with information traveling so fast all it has taken is a run up of oil to 147 dollars per barrel to get them to switch sides on outer continental shelf drilling.

Got to love the liberals. And you have to admit they have a point. Unfortunately all points have been tops of heads. Anti technology anti-oil wack jobs who think everything good flows from their wonderful intentions. ( although I truly doubt their intentions are always good … in fact liberals appear to either be mentally deficient or applying common street scams to government to either buy votes/power or accumulate money directly. ) I tire of your liberal incantations that proclaim your goodness. To a hard core critical thinker like me you all look like mirror loving chronic msatrubres who are good with words but terrible with ideas. Thank god for the internet as we are going into an increasingly libertarian era where your ideas will be left in the dust by their ineffectivity in the same manner australopithecus was left in the evolutionary dustbin.



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