Most of this will be of no use to anyone except students at UFSC that want to set up a VPN and access IEEE papers.
- Log into your UFSC account and set up / enable VPN on you UFSC account. Look under the VPN tab under your Identidade
- Set up your VPN connection on your computer: UFSC VPN Instructions Here When I entered your credentials ( user / password ) I had to use my firstname.lastname ID and not my email ID. It did however use the password of this email account.
- If you get an error message when trying to log in saying the cliente does not support encryption: clear the Require data encryption (disconnect if none) check box, and click Allow unsecured password in Validate my identity as follows
​At this point I was able to log into the VPN.
Much later down the line I had to recover the VPN password because I was unsure which identity / PW was used for the VPN login. I used DialUpPass from Nirsoft to recover.