

At threshold voltage Vt the surface potential is 

 {phi} = {2 phi_F} 

Given this condition threshold voltage is:

V_T0 =  V_FB + {2 phi_F} + {{varepsilon_s}{E_s}}/C_ox      ….the 3rd term is V=Q/C

Reorganizing terms:

V_T0 = V_FB + {2 phi_F} +{{varepsilon_s}/{1}{/}{varepsilon_ox}/{t_ox}{E_s}} 

Substituting the identity for Es:

V_T0= V_FB + {2 phi_F} +{{varepsilon_s}/{1}{/}{varepsilon_ox}/{t_ox}{sqrt {{2 phi_s Phi_s}}}}

V_T0= V_FB + {2 phi_F} +{{varepsilon_s}/{1}{/}{varepsilon_ox}/{t_ox}{sqrt {{4{phi_F}{Phi_s}}}}}

V_T0= V_FB + {2 phi_F} +{{varepsilon_s}/{1}{/}{varepsilon_ox}/{t_ox}{sqrt{2 Phi_s}sqrt{2 phi_F}}}

Substituting for the body effect factor identity gamma:

V_T0= V_FB + {2 phi_F} + {gamma}{sqrt{2 phi_F}}

….this is the same as equation 2.1.63 of CMOS Analog Design Using All Region MOSFET Modeling

Equation 2.1.59 can be found in: Tsividis:Operation and Modeling of the MOS Transistor :Page 110


Phi = {qN_a / varepsilon_s} E_surface = sqrt { {2 phi_s Phi_s} }
 x_d = sqrt { {2 phi_s } / {Phi_s} }  E_surface = Phi_s x_d 
{C_D/C_ox}={varepsilon_S}/{t_D}  {/}  {varepsilon_ox}/{t_ox}   gamma =  {varepsilon_s}/{1} {/} {varepsilon_ox}/{t_ox} {sqrt{2 Phi_s }}

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