• In the 1970’s we had a sequence of recessions due to rapidly rising oil costs alone.
  • In 1990 we had a recession due to a bust in the housing market alone.

We now have these together at the same time.  We should have seen it coming.   Ever since the 70’s we have been skating on thin ice.  Too dainty were we to drill on our own soil.  It was only a matter of time before we got our tails caught in the wringer.

Following standard remedies the following would happen

  • housing bust ? – increase liquidity 
  • oil spurt ? –  increased liquidity is bad – as money is more available oil prices rise.  Decreased liquidity is needed.  But that slows economies and exacerbates a housing bust. 

Our economy is effectively stuck in a ditch.   In one direction the ditch wall is made up of the housing bust liquidity and in the other direction the ditch wall is made up of the inverse relation of oil and liquidity.

The gears are already grinding to a halt. Credit liquidity is drying up as of this writing in September 2008.  As already noted I predict a serious bust for 2009 on the basis of my conversations with various business people.

We are in serious trouble.  This situation will not be remedied until we start drilling like wild men.  Alternative sources of energy are just not mature enough to fill the gap quickly enough.

Most people know about the "Great Depression" of the 1930’s.  However what most people do not know is they know of this one because mass communication was available then.  Previously in the United States has undergone other less publicized economic turmoil.  Thus the phenomenon of economic depression is not as uncommon as one might think.  Here is a partial list:

Categories: Economics


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